Konstantina Angeletou

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


I am a self-employed designer and artist, who has worked as a 2&3D Creative in a variety of design fields: industrial design, architecture, event & UX/UI design. My studies include Architectural Engineering (March) in DUTh, Greece and Computational Methods in Architecture (MSc), in Cardiff University, Wales. The last two years I am a UI Designer for Visual Prototyping and through my artistic project Ludik, I am focused on creative coding and generative art using various motion capture techniques. The idea of play has been a guiding axis in my design practice and academic Theses, as a medium of re-placing communal expression at the center of the design process. Through my multidisciplinary experience I aim to dissolve borders between physical and digital, traditional and modern, technology and art.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: