Kristin Bergaust

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

OsloMet, Faculty of Technology and Art and Design, Adjunct Professor

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Kristin Bergaust is educated at the University of Oslo and at National Academy of Fine Art in Oslo. She works as an artist, researcher and educator. She is a professor at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design in OsloMet, Oslo since 2008. She was formerly professor and head of Intermedia at Trondheim Academy of Fine Arts, NTNU (2001-2008) and artistic director of Atelier Nord media lab for artists (1997 to 2001). Kristin is one of the pioneers of the self-organized early media art scene in Norway from the early 1990-ies. Her feminist, trans-cultural and relational perspectives on contemporary conditions are investigated through performative and technological strategies, sometimes also fed by cultural history or other narratives.  Experiments with the communicative and the sensory are inherent both in research and art.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: