Laura Baigorri
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Laura Baigorri is a Professor in Media Art. Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. Director of the Department of Design and Image and Vice Dean of Research, Masters and Doctorate (2016-2021). She combines her teaching and research experience with criticism and curation. She has organized seminars and exhibitions on art and new media. Main exhibitions: Multiverso (2016-2019) BBVA Foundation Madrid; CTRL+[SELF]: Intimacy, Extimacy and Control in the Age of the Self’s Overexposure (2016), Studio XX Montreal, and Videoarde. Critical video in Latin America and the Caribbean (AECID Instituto Cervantes). She has published articles on art and activism, video and game art, and the books: Cuerpos conectados. Arte, identidad y autorepresentación en la sociedad transmedia (Dykinson, 2021), Video in Latin America: A critical history (AECID & Brumaria, 2008); Aesthetic and political practices on the Web, (UB & Brumaria, 2006) and Video. First stage: The video in the social and artistic context of the 60s/70s (Brumaria, 2004).
Laura Baigorri: Senior Lecturer in Media Art. Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. She combines her teaching and research experience with criticism and curation. Main exhibitions: Multiverso (2016-2019) BBVA Foundation Madrid; CTRL+[SELF]: Intimacy, Extimacy and Control in the Age of the Self’s Overexposure (2016), Studio XX Montreal, and Videoarde. Critical video in Latin America and the Caribbean (AECID Instituto Cervantes). She has published: Video in Latin America: A critical history (AECID & Brumaria, 2008).