Laura Trippi

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Laura Trippi is a curator, writer, and new media project manager working at the intersection of art, science, and popular culture. A curator at The New Museum, New York, from 1988-95, her Web site, Drawing on Air (dn/a), has been located at adaweb since the spring of 1996 In addi­tion to exhibition catalogues, her writing appears in the Guggenheim Magazine, 21( and World Art. A B.A. from Columbia University’s School of General Studies (1984, magna cum laude) led to three years of graduate study at Johns Hopkins’ Humanities Center. Prior to that, Trippi grad­uated from an alternative high school in the Bay Area with the “Tender Feelings Award,” and has been wondering about it ever since.


Laura Trippi is a curator and writer living and working in New York. For the past seven years, at The New Museum of Contemporary Art, she has organized such exhibitions as Strange Attractors: Signs of Chaos (1988), Trade Routes (1993), and Bob Flanagan’s Visiting Hours (1994). Now working independently to develop networked exhibitions that utilize the Web, she has collaborated in adapting Jimbo Blachy’s “Unperturbed Abstraction” for presentation on adaweb this fall and is co-editor of Blast 5: Scenarios .

Last Known Location:

New York, US

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: