Law Alsbrook

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

Law Alsobrook came to graphic design through a rather circuitous route beginning with a stint in printmaking and bookbinding coupled with time spent learning linguistics and semiotics while studying for an MA in TESOL. Not content with the trajectory of his career, he stumbled upon graphic design when his two seemingly disparate interests—art and words—collided and ignited an even greater passion— design.He veered, briefly, into the world of web design and interactivity while working in New York, but circumstances there led him to teaching design which eventually became his true calling. Gratified to have found something he was genuinely fascinated by, curiosity compelled him to further his enquiry into design thinking, and in 2005 he earned an MFA from RISD. While at school, he became enamored with visual narrative and the art of show and tell—not too far from his original quest with words and images.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: