Lev Manovich

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

ISEA 2008
Russia/USA, is the author of Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database (The MIT Press, 2005), Black Box – White Cube (Merve Verlag Berlin, 2005), and The Language of New Media (The MIT Press, 2001). Manovich is a Professor in Visual Arts Department, University of California – San Diego, a Director of the Software Studies Initiative at California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (CALIT2), and a Visiting Researcher at Godsmith College (London) and College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales (Sydney). Manovich  written 90+ articles which have been reprinted over 300 times in many countries. Currently is completing three new books about digital culture and media, and is also developing projects within Software Studies Initiative.

ISEA 1997
Lev Manovich is an artist and a theorist of new media. He was born in Moscow, where he studied fine arts and com­puter science. He continued his education in the U.S. receiv­ing an M.A. in experimental psychology from NYU and a Ph.D. in Visual and Cultural Studies from University of Rochester. He has lectured widely on digital arts, and his writings have been published in many countries. He is an Assistant Professor at the University of California, San Diego. In 1995 he was awarded a Mellon Fellowship in Art Criticism by California Institute of the Arts. He is currently working on two books: a collection of essays on digital real­ism, and a history of the social and cultural origins of com­puter graphics technologies entitled The Engineering of Vision from Constructivism to Computer (University of Texas Press, forthcoming).

ISEA 1994
Lev Manovich is an Assistant Professor of Imaging and Digital Arts at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA. His writes on visual culture of the electronic age. He has published articles in “Afterimage,” “Design Issues,” “Machine Culture” and edited “Textura: Russian Essays on Visual Culture” (University of Chicago Press, 1993).

Last Known Location:

Russia, US

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: