Lisa Anderson

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Dr. Lisa An­der­son is and artist with an in­ter­na­tional prac­tice work­ing across media and col­lab­o­rat­ing with oth­ers to cre­ate per­for­ma­tive events and pro­jec­tion and sound works. These in­stal­la­tions have been shown at venues in­clud­ing the St. Tropez Film Fes­ti­val, the Cite In­ter­na­tionale Des Arts in Paris, Wagga Wagga Re­gional Gallery, Artscape in Aus­tralia, SXS in Den­mark and also el­e­ments have been ex­hib­ited in Bei­jing, Am­s­ter­dam and Lon­don. They in­clude IVU, a Per­spex sculp­ture and mul­ti­chan­nel video in­stal­la­tion, The Truth About Snodomes, a paper work and sin­gle screen and sound work, and Pre­cious, a large scale light and sound work lo­cated in beach­side sand dunes.

These works form part of the shinyshiny­cloud pro­jects that ex­plore the beauty of the apoc­a­lypse due to weather and peo­ple/an­i­mal move­ments, in places such as the High Arc­tic, Cen­tral Java, the Scot­tish High­lands, the Aus­tralian out­back and var­i­ous city lo­ca­tions such as Paris, Bei­jing and Lon­don.  Dr. An­der­son’s doc­toral sub­mis­sion en­ti­tled, Mem­ory Sal­vage and In­ven­tion: the Col­li­sion and Col­lu­sion of Pub­lic Archive and Per­sonal Anec­dote in Pub­lic Art was the first study to place the ex­pe­ri­ence of the artist as core to the cre­ation of com­mis­sioned pub­lic art, with a brief that ex­plores com­mu­nity. Specif­i­cally she was the first artist in res­i­dence at the Aus­tralian Mu­seum and to cre­ate a War Memo­r­ial work for a com­mu­nity.  Dr. An­der­son was re­cently Vis­it­ing Scholar and is the In­no­va­tion Fel­low in Ar­chi­tec­ture at the Uni­ver­sity of Tech­nol­ogy, Syd­ney and has pre­vi­ously un­der­taken Fel­low re­search pro­jects with the Uni­ver­sity of Wol­lon­gong Cre­ative Arts, Australia.



Role(s) at the symposia over the years: