Lizzie Muller

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Senior Lecturer, Curator and Researcher

ISEA Bio(s) Available:



Lizzie Muller is a curator and researcher specializing in interdisciplinary collaboration, interaction and audience experience. Previous curatorial projects include Awfully Wonderful: Science Fiction in Contemporary Art (with Bec Dean, Sydney, 2011); The Art of Participatory Design (with Lian Loke, Sydney 2010) and Mirror States (with Kathy Cleland, Sydney and Auckland, 2008). Recent publications include The Return of the Wonderful: Monanisms and the undisciplined objects of media art in Studies in Material Thinking. Lizzie is co-investigator with Caroline Langill on two SSHRC funded research projects on post-disciplinarity and media art exhibition. She is Director of the Masters in Curating and Cultural Leadership at UNSW Faculty of Art and Design, Australia.

Lizzie Muller, Jill Bennett & Vanessa Bartlett, UNSW Art and Design, Sydney, Australia


Lizzie Muller, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia


Dr. Lizzie Muller is a curator and researcher, Senior Lecturer at University of Technology, Sydney (AU). Lizzie’s research investigates audience experience from a curatorial perspective. She has adapted tools and techniques from Interaction Design to work with audience experience as a material, and was founding curator of Beta_Space, a dedicated “prototyping” environment for interactive art at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney.

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: