Maja Kalogera

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Maja Kalogera Is an interdisciplinary artist, working and living between Zagreb, Croatia and Paris, France,


Maja Kalogera is an artist, cu­ra­tor and com­mu­nity cat­a­lyst who con­sis­tently places her­self at the con­ver­gence of art and tech­nol­ogy. Born in Za­greb, she holds B.F.A. from School of Ap­plied and Vi­sual arts, Za­greb and M. Arch from Ar­chi­tec­ture Uni­ver­sity, Za­greb. From 1999 she is mem­ber of the on­line col­lec­tive Her cre­ative work over the past 15 years has in­cluded a wide range of medi­ums in­clud­ing dig­i­tal and in­ter­ac­tive media, pho­tog­ra­phy, paint­ing, video and film. In 2005, she founded Cen­ter for syn­ergy of dig­i­tal and vi­sual arts, a Za­greb based NGO, that pro­vides her unique ap­proach fo­cused on syn­ergy be­tween tra­di­tional art media with new, dig­i­tal media. In her own own art­work she is in­ter­ested in how peo­ple par­tic­i­pate in phys­i­cal and vir­tual spaces. This has led to dig­i­tal tools and in­ter­ac­tive pro­jects as “Ground of My Stu­dio”, “Ac­ces­si­ble Hap­pi­ness”, “Is this a pic­ture?” and “Rothko Gen­er­a­tor”.


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: