Malcolm Levy

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Malcolm Levy is an artist, curator and theorist based in Vancouver, Canada, and New York, USA.


Mal­colm Levy is an artist, cu­ra­tor and film­maker liv­ing in Van­cou­ver, Canada. He was the Cu­ra­tor of CODE Live at the 2010 Win­ter Olympics, where he over­saw the in­stal­la­tion of over 40 in­ter­ac­tive media art­works and 8 per­for­mances across the city. Work­ing pri­mar­ily in ex­per­i­men­tal film, new media and doc­u­men­tary, his pro­jects in­clude co-found­ing Cap­i­tal Mag­a­zine (1999-2005) and the New Forms Fes­ti­val (1999-pre­sent), un­der­tak­ing pro­jects for CBC Radio 3, and writ­ing or cu­rat­ing for Mo­bile Muse, and Hori­zon Zero among oth­ers.  Levy’s cu­ra­to­r­ial, pre­sen­ta­tion, film and video in­stal­la­tion works have been pre­sented in India, Aus­tralia, China, Ger­many and Canada at such or­ga­ni­za­tions and fes­ti­vals as Sarai, Next Wavie, the INIAF, MUTEK, VID­FEST, the FCMM, Club Trans­me­di­ale and the AND Fes­ti­val.  Fea­ture length doc­u­men­taries in­clude Shamb­hala (2001-2008) and Walk­ing on Glass (2006-2010).  Cur­rent pro­jects in­clude pur­su­ing an MA in Media Stud­ies at the New School in New York, de­vel­op­ing a media lab for the grunt gallery in Van­cou­ver, the Goethe Satel­lite Pro­ject, and pro­duc­ing a se­ries of com­mis­sioned art­works for urban screens in con­nec­tion with Mcluhan in Eu­rope 2011.  Mal­colm is the co-Founder of the con­tem­po­rary art group Re­vised Pro­jects.

Last Known Location:

Vancouver, Canada

International Programme Committee:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: