Malitzin Cortés (CNDSD)

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Malitzin Cortés (CNDSD) — Musician, Digital Artist, Creative Technologist and Programmer. Her work is developed between live coding, live cinema, installation, Virtual Reality, generative art, sound design, experimental music and sound art. She is a teacher and researcher at CENTRO University. She studied design, cinema and television and at the UNAM (Mexico) Faculty of Arts, in the field of creative code, STEAM and new sound and immersive technologies. She has performed live events and exhibitions at the Multimedia Center, Alameda Art Laboratory, Ex-Teresa Actual Art, Digital Cultural Center, Medialab Prado, Spain Cultural Center, CMMAS, Vorspiel, Spektrum Berlin, Transpiksel, Aural, Transmediale Berlin, ISEA, CYLAND MediaArtLab San Petesburgo, ADAF, Ars Electronica, Currents, MUTEK México, Montreal and San Francisco. As an artist, she investigates the ways in which art, architecture, technology, and science have the capacity to be great disseminators of findings and devices for self-reflection and generation of unpublished models of social interactions capable of providing new ways of relating from the utopia, speculation, physical space, reality, the constant state of crisis and also hope.


Malitzin Cortés is an architect, researcher, experimental musician, and audiovisual artist, adopts transdisciplinary and technology in contemporary multimedia practices, her work is developed between live coding, expanded cinema, installation, 3D animation, generative art, sound design, experimental music, and art sound. Her work is in labels like Voragine (MX) and SNU (MX).

Last Known Location:

Mexico City, Mexico

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: