Marcela Antipan Olate

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Bremen University of Arts (Germany)

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Marcela Antipán Olate is a designer and artist interested in technology as expressive media. In her practice, she combines concepts that are indistinguishable from the arts, sciences, or other fields. Within that framework, one of her main interests is the critical reflection on technological objects of daily use and their symbolic and technical connections in relation to politics, economies, ecologies, and cultures. With a background in graphic design, functionality, and speculative narratives intertwined with her processes, Marcela’s work translates into physical objects, software, research, visual pieces, and program-driven poetry. In the past she has worked on developing ideas and concepts for research institutions, as well as teaching at the School of Design at the University of Chile. Currently, she is working as an assistant in the research project The Dynamic Archive at the University of the Arts Bremen, while finishing her master’s degree at the same institution.


Marcela Antipan Olate is an artist and designer living in Germany. She is currently studying a master’s degree in Digital Media at the University of the Arts Bremen. She is a graphic designer and originally from Chile. Her creative practice moves within the blurred mix between art and science. Within that framework, one of her main interests is the critical reflection on technological objects of daily use and their symbolic and technical connections in relation to politics, economies, ecologies, and cultures. Through associations, she seeks to create physical or digital objects that concretise these interests. In the past, her work as a designer involved the development of ideas and concepts linked to scientific communication for research institutes, as well as teaching in the area of design. Currently, her work takes different forms such as installations, physical objects, software, research, visual pieces and poetry.

Last Known Location:



Role(s) at the symposia over the years: