Marcus Romer

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Mar­cus Romer is the Artis­tic Di­rec­tor of Pilot The­atre, based at York The­atre Royal. He adapted and di­rected Look­ing for JJ, by Anne Cas­sidy, which won the TMA award for best pro­duc­tion in 2008. His pro­duc­tion of Lord of the Flies for Pilot The­atre has had five na­tional UK tours and re­ceived a TMA award nom­i­na­tion and won a Man­ches­ter Evening News award. His pro­duc­tion of  Beau­ti­ful Thing won two Man­ches­ter Evening News Awards in 2005. He is also a pub­lished play­wright and he adapted and di­rected the world pre­miere of cult clas­sic Rum­ble Fish. He adapted Blood­tide by Melvin Burgess, Look­ing for JJ by Anne Cas­sidy, and Fun­gus the Bo­gey­man, by Ray­mond Briggs. He is cur­rently work­ing on the screen­play for ‘The Knife That Killed Me’ . This will be a new fea­ture film for Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures. He cre­ated the open­ing event at the 2007 IIFA Bol­ly­wood Os­cars at Sheffield Arena, for a live TV au­di­ence of 500 mil­lion. He has at­tended TED twice and set up and led the Shift Hap­pens Con­fer­ences.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: