Margaret Morse

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Margaret Morse is a Professor for Film & Digital Media. She works on digital and electronic media theory and criticism, media art, media history, technology and culture, film history and theory, German cinema, documentary and science fiction. Her recent research addresses the “distribution of the sensible” in specific examples of contemporary art.


She has published Virtualities Television, Media Art and Cyberculture (Indiana UP: 1998) and numerous arti­cles on art and media. She is the principle author of Hardware, Software, Artware published by Cantz Verlag and the ZKM in 1997. Her essays on the body include Sport on Television, The Body Electronic and What Do Cyborgs Eat?.


Margaret Morse writes on electronic culture and virtual environments, and teaches at the University of California Santa Cruz (USA).


Margaret Morse teaches criticism and theory of electronic culture at the University of California at Santa Cruz. She has published art criticism on work in a variety of genres from single-channel video, installations, media-architecture and interactive art to virtual environments. Her publications on electronic culture treat topics from news, sports, aerobics, and talk shows and television events like the Romanian Revolution and the Gulf War to malls, freeways, cyberspace and issues such as What Do Cyborgs Eat?

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