Maria Lusi­tano

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2011

    Maria Lusi­tano is an artist from Por­tu­gal. In 2009 she com­pleted her  MA in Fine Art  at the Malmö Art Acad­emy in Swe­den and is cur­rently doing  a PhD at the Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster UK.  She par­tic­i­pated and ex­hib­ited in var­i­ous events such as Man­i­festa 5,  Photo Es­pana 6 Madrid,  Lund­sKon­stHall, Swe­den, Mod­erna Museet in Stock­holm, 29th Bi­en­nial of Sao Paulo and  Joshibi Uni­ver­sity Mu­seum,Tokyo. In par­al­lel to their in­di­vid­ual prac­tice, Paula Roush and Maria Lusi­tano have col­lab­o­rated as We­b­cam op­er­a­tors, a col­lec­tive as­sem­bled in 2009 to re­search net­worked per­for­ma­tiv­ity. They have  worked within videostream­ing plat­forms, Sec­ond Life and we­b­cam com­mu­ni­ties, pro­duc­ing on­line-of­fline ac­tions. The out­come of this process have been var­i­ous per­for­mances and per­for­ma­tive lec­tures, in­stal­la­tions and short films, pre­sented at AGM09: under con­trol and Ra­di­a­tor Fes­ti­val (Derby), Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E./ Gallery P74 (Ljubl­jana), Liv­ing Room10 (Auck­land), Chan­nel TV at the Kun­stverein Har­burger Bahn­hof/ (Ham­burg) and  Sput-e-nick Space (Porto).


Last Known Location:

  • Westminster, United Kingdom



Role(s) at the symposia over the years: