Mark Jones

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Mark Jones, Cyberstage Publishing. Mark J. Jones is founder of CyberStage Communications, a Toronto-based company which facilitates issues relating to culture and technology. As a writer, editor and publisher holding a degree in theatre with a specialty in perfor­mance technology,Jones has become one of the first writ­ers in Canada to specialize in issues related to electronic art. His views have been quoted in Maclean’s Magazine, Theatrum, World Art, The Hamilton Spectator; MediaTelevision, Vancouver Sun, and Bravo. His own publica­tion, CyberStage Live, is an award-winning magazine which looks at the convergence between the artistic and techno­logical communities. A new media content advisor, Jones is also coordinator of the Rafe International Toronto, a public speaking series on issues related to electronic culture. Recent Awards: The Geo Award for Quality Content on the World Wide Web; The Canada Online Best of the Web Award Education: Honors Bachelor of Arts, Theatre, with a specialty in Performance Technology. Recent conference participation: InterActive 96, Toronto (sponsor); Multimedia 97, Toronto (speaker).

Last Known Location:

Toronto, CA

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: