Marko Peljhan

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

University of California at Santa Barbara, Artist and Associate Professor

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Marko Peljhan is a na­tive of Slove­nia and a the­atre and radio di­rec­tor by pro­fes­sion. Peljhan founded the arts and tech­nol­ogy or­ga­ni­za­tion Pro­jekt Atol in the early 1990s and co­founded one of the first media labs in East­ern Eu­rope, LJUD­MILA in 1995. In the same year he founded the tech­nol­ogy branch of Pro­jekt Atol called PACT SYS­TEMS where he de­vel­oped one of the first Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tems based par­tic­i­pa­tory net­worked map­ping pro­jects, the Urban Coloni­sa­tion and Ori­en­ta­tion Gear 144. He has been work­ing on Makro­lab, a unique pro­ject that fo­cuses on telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, mi­gra­tions and weather sys­tems re­search in an in­ter­sec­tion of art and sci­ence from 1997-2007, the In­ter­po­lar Transna­tional Art Sci­ence Con­stel­la­tion dur­ing the In­ter­na­tional Polar Year (pro­ject 417) , and is cur­rently co­or­di­nat­ing the Arc­tic Per­spec­tive Ini­tia­tive art/sci­ence/tac­ti­cal media pro­ject fo­cused on the global sig­nif­i­cance of the Arc­tic geopo­lit­i­cal, nat­ural and cul­tural spheres.  Peljhan has also been the flight di­rec­tor of ten art/sci­ence par­a­bolic ex­per­i­men­tal flights in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Mi­cro­grav­ity In­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary Re­search ini­tia­tive and the Yuri Gagarin Cos­mo­naut Train­ing Cen­tre, cre­at­ing con­di­tions for artists to work in al­ter­nat­ing grav­ity con­di­tions. He is the re­cip­i­ent of many prizes for his work, in­clud­ing the 2001 Golden Nica Prize at Ars Elec­tron­ica to­gether with Carsten Nico­lai for their work, polar, and the UN­ESCO Dig­i­tal Media Prize for Makro­lab in 2004. Dur­ing 2008, Peljhan was ap­pointed as one of the Eu­ro­pean Union Am­bas­sadors of In­ter­cul­tural di­a­logue. His work has been ex­hib­ited in­ter­na­tion­ally at mul­ti­ple bi­en­nales and fes­ti­vals (Venice, Gwangju, Brus­sels, Man­i­festa, Jo­han­nes­burg), at the Doc­u­menta X in Kas­sel, sev­eral ISEA ex­hi­bi­tions, sev­eral Ars Elec­tron­ica pre­sen­ta­tions and at major mu­se­ums, such as P.S.1, MOMA, New Mu­seum of Con­tem­po­rary Art, ICC NTT Tokyo, YCAM Ya­m­aguchi and oth­ers. Since 2009 he is one of the se­ries ed­i­tors of the Arc­tic Per­spec­tive Cahiers se­ries (Hatje Cantz). He holds joint ap­point­ments with the De­part­ment of Art and the Media Arts & Tech­nol­ogy grad­u­ate pro­gram at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia Santa Bar­bara and was ap­pointed as Co-Di­rec­tor of the UC In­sti­tute for Re­search in the Arts in 2009, where he is co­or­di­nat­ing the art/sci­ence In­te­gra­tive method­olo­gies ini­tia­tive.


A conceptual artists. He is the co-founder of Ljudmila (Ljubljana Digital Media Lab), founder and director of the arts organization Projekt Atol, and is one of the coordinators of the Arctic Perspective Initiative and M.A.R.I.N. projects. Since 2002, he works as Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Art/Media/Technology at the University of California Santa Barbara.


Studied stage directing at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 1993 he founded PROJEKT ATOL, an on-going art project that includes work in diverse media (theater, film, computer work, performances/lectures). At the moment he is producing his new scenic and media work LADOMIR.

Last Known Location:

United States of America

Previous Location(s):

  • SI

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: