Martin Sperka
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Martin Sperka is an Associate Professor at the Department of Information and Computer Science, Slovak University of Technology and a visiting lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia. MSC EE Czech University of Technology, Prague, 1970. In 1993 he founded the Department of Visual Media at the Art Academy in Bratislava. He has been a speaker at several scientific and art conferences as well as the Curator of Computer Graphics in Fine Arts and E-Mail Art, 1,2,3,4 exhibitions, co-organization of New Media international workshops. Exhibited in Slovakia, Czech republic, Hungary, Poland, U.S.A., and Austria.
Martin Sperka graduated from the Czech Institute of Technology in Prague (1970) and until 1991 was a researcher in computer graphics, robotics, and artificial intelligence at the Institute of Technical Cybernetics. He is now an educator and researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (Bratislava, Slovakia) and teaches computer animation at the Faculty of Film (Academy of Performing Arts). Reality, Representations and Cybergraphy.
Last Known Location:
Symposium Presentations:
ISEA 1995 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Symposium: | Type(s): Annual General Meeting
Title: Reality: Representations and Cybergraphy
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Title: Kunstliche Kunst: Art and Aesthetics in Times of the Artificial
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Title: A Multi-Cultural ISEA
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Title: The Computers and Sculptors Revolution: Projects from Europe and the United States