Matthew Biederman

Most Recent Affiliation(s):


ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Matthew Biederman works across media and milieus, architectures and systems, communities and continents since 1990. He creates works where light, space and sound reflect on the intricacies of perception. Since 2008 he is a co-founder of Arctic Perspective Initiative, with Marko Peljhan working on throughout the circumpolar region. Biederman was the recipient of the Bay Area Artist Award in Video by New Langton Arts, First Place in the Visual Arts category of Slovenia’s Break21. He has served as artist-in-residence at a variety of institutions and institutes, including the Center for Experimental Television on numerous occasions, CMU’s CREATE lab, the Wave Farm and many more. His work has been featured at: Lyon Bienniale, Istanbul Design Bienniale, The Tokyo Museum of Photography, ELEKTRA, MUTEK, Ars Electronica, Bienniale of Digital Art (CA), Artissima (IT), SCAPE Bienniale (NZ) and the Moscow Biennale (RU), among others. Biederman is currently represented by Art45 + and lives and works in Montreal, Quebec.


Matthew Bie­der­man has been per­form­ing, in­stalling and ex­hibit­ing works, which ex­plore themes of per­cep­tion, media sat­u­ra­tion and data sys­tems since the mid nineties. Bie­der­man was the re­cip­i­ent of the Bay Area Artist Award in Video by New Lang­ton Arts in 1999. He won First Place in the Vi­sual Arts cat­e­gory of Slove­nia’s Break21 fes­ti­val, and has served as artist-in-res­i­dence at the Cen­ter for Ex­per­i­men­tal Tele­vi­sion on nu­mer­ous oc­ca­sions. His in­stal­la­tions have been ex­hib­ited in the US, South Amer­ica, and Eu­rope in a va­ri­ety of fes­ti­vals and venues such as 7 Fes­ti­val In­ter­na­cional (Lima, Peru). As a film and video maker, his works have been in­cluded in the FILE fes­ti­val (Sao Paulo), New Forms Fes­ti­val (Van­cou­ver), the Ed­in­burgh Fringe Fes­ti­val, Paris/Berlin In­ter­na­tional Meet­ings, the Chicago Un­der­ground Film Fes­ti­val and the SCAPE Bi­en­nial in New Zealand.


Works in new media contexts including installation, performance, video, and tactical media. He addresses issues of perception, media saturation, and systems by employing research strategies interwoven with public events. Born in the United States, he now lives and works in Montreal, Canada.


Matthew Bie­der­man, artist, DelRay.


(1972, Chicago Heights, IL, USA) has been performing, installing and exhibiting works, which explore themes of perception, media saturation, and data systems from a multiplicity of perspectives since the mid nineties. Biederman was the recipient of the Bay Area Artist Award in Video by New Langton Arts in 1999, First Place in the Visual Arts category of Slovenia’s Break21 festival. He has served as artist-in-residence at a variety of institutions and institutes, including the Center for Experimental Television on numerous occasions, CMU’s CREATE lab, the Wave Farm and many more.

Last Known Location:

United States of America



Role(s) at the symposia over the years: