Michael Jo­hans­son

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Michael Jo­hans­son.  Artist, Se­nior Lec­turer, Re­searcher.  Born 1962, Gothen­burg, Swe­den. Ed­u­cated at the royal col­lege of fine arts in Copen­hagen 1984 -1990. I worked with dig­i­tal media as part of my work prac­tice for over 25 years. I have done about 30 ex­hi­bi­tions both in Swe­den an abroad.  Since 1999 I have been in­volved in re­search at the In­ter­ac­tive in­sti­tute, Space and vir­tu­al­ity stu­dio, and be­tween 1998-2007 at Malmo Uni­ver­sity arts and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Since 2010  works as Se­nior lec­turer of fine arts in in­for­mat­ics at Kris­tianstad Uni­ver­sity, Swe­den. PUB­LI­CA­TIONS: Com­puter games in ar­chi­tec­tural de­sign Peter Fröst, Michael Jo­hans­son, Peter Warrén In Pro­ceed­ings of HCI 2001, New Or­leans 2001. De­signer or Ar­ti­san , De­sign ver­sus Crafts­man­ship in dig­i­tal de­signHåkan Ede­holt, Michael Jo­hans­son, Simon Nieden­thal 6th Asian De­sign Con­fer­ence, Tokyo 2003. Fiel­d­asy Michael Jo­hans­son, Per Linde, Pixel Raiders 2 Sheffield Hal­lam Uni­ver­sity 2004. Are you pro­grammed to speak De­sign Spaces EDITA IT Press 2005. Art@k3 Re­port: Art in re­la­tion to new Media ed­u­ca­tion Malmö Uni­ver­sity, Malmö Swe­den 2006. Place-Spe­cific Com­put­ing: con­cep­tual de­sign cases from urban con­texts in four coun­tries. Jörn Mes­seter and Michael Jo­hans­son DIS 2008 Cape Town, South Africa 2008. Jour­ney to Abadyl PRAM­net 2008. The city of Abadyl Meta­pas­tic­ity in vir­tual worlds: aestet­ics and se­mat­ics con­cepts Ed­i­tor Dr. Gi­an­luca Mura Po­litec­nico di Mi­lano Uni­ver­sity IGI Global 2010.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years:
