Michel Lenoble

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Catherine Lenoble works since 2006 as a project coordinator in PiNG, resource-organization in digital creation & fabrication, based in Nantes, France. In charge of ‘territories & networks’ development through digital culture, she has piloted LABtoLAB 2009-11 (nomadic project exploring the role of the lab in offering spaces for collaborative learning and knowledge sharing) and was in charge of the editorial coordination Media Labs in Europe : Mapping places and networks (bilingual review published in march 2011 by MCD). By starting a new collaboration with Attila Nemes, she keeps on studying media labs with narrative approach. As an author, she has published an experimental novel petitBain (éditions à la criée, 2010) with free access to texts through an on-line version. She regularly contributes to on and off-line editorial adventures.

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Symposium Presentations:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: