Michelle Teran (born in Canada) ex­plores the in­ter­ac­tion be­tween media and so­cial net­works in urban en­vi­ron­ments. In her work she looks at dif­fer­ent as­pects of how urban space is de­fined, oc­cu­pied and me­di­a­tized. She has a so­cial and site-spe­cific prac­tice which fo­cuses mostly on the stag­ing of urban in­ter­ven­tions and per­for­mances, such as guided tours, dis­cus­sions, walks and open-air pro­jec­tions as well as par­tic­i­pa­tory in­stal­la­tions and hap­pen­ings. She is the win­ner of the Trans­me­di­ale Award, the Turku2011 Grand Prix Award, the Vida 8.0 Award and Prix Ars Elec­tron­ica hon­orary men­tion (2005, 2010. Cur­rently she is within the post-grad­u­ate Nor­we­gian Artis­tic Re­search Fel­low­ship Pro­gramme where she is doing prac­tice-based re­search at the Bergen Na­tional Acad­emy of the Arts. She lives and works be­tween Bergen (N) and Berlin (DE).