Michiel de Lange

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Michiel de Lange (1976) is a part-time Lec­turer in New Media Stud­ies, De­part­ment of Media and Cul­ture Stud­ies, Utrecht Uni­ver­sity (NL); co-founder of The Mo­bile City, a plat­form for the study of new media and ur­ban­ism; and ad­vi­sor e-cul­ture at the Me­di­a­fonds. In 2010 Michiel fin­ished his PhD at the Eras­mus Uni­ver­sity of Rot­ter­dam (Department of Phi­los­o­phy), with a dis­ser­ta­tion called Mov­ing Cir­cles, mo­bile media and play­ful iden­ti­ties (2010).


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: