Moisés Mañas Car­bonell

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Poly­tech­nic Uni­ver­sity of Va­len­cia

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Dr. Moisés Mañas Car­bonell is an artist, in­ter­ac­tive de­signer and pro­fes­sor of In­ter­ac­tive Art in the Fine Arts Fac­ulty of the Poly­tech­nic Uni­ver­sity of Va­len­cia, Spain (since 2001). He is mem­ber of the re­search group, Lab­o­ra­to­rio de luz. He has also been a mem­ber of the Tech­ni­cal Com­mit­tee of the In­ter­na­tional Con­gress ACE pro­gram 2005, 2006 and 2007 (In­ter­na­tional con­fer­ence on Ad­vances in com­puter en­ter­tain­ment tech­nol­ogy, ACM SIGCHI), Mem­ber of the artis­tic com­mit­tee of the DIME-ATS, 2006 and 2008 (Dig­i­tal In­ter­ac­tive Media En­ter­tain­ment & Arts). Fes­ti­val Jury Ciber @ rt Bil­bao 2004, be­tween other more. His work has been pre­sented and awarded in many fes­ti­vals and ex­hi­bi­tions re­lated to art and tech­nol­ogy, in and out of Spain since 1998 as, MAM ( Santo Domingo) 2011, Bi­enal In­ter­na­cional de Arte Con­tem­poráneo  de Mérida (Venezuela) 2010, Dig­i­tal Im­age-Space Fes­ti­val ENTER (Ca­nary-2009), Neue Ga­lerie – Graz (Aus­tria) 2009, “MEIAC”.Bada­joz (España) 2008, ZKM – Ger­many , 2008-09, La Lab­o­ral, Gijón (2009), Bi­enal de Va­len­cia, 2007, File 04 (Sau Paulo. Brazil, 2004), Me­di­aterra 2000 and 04 (Ate­nas. Greece), In­media 2000 (Michi­gan, USA ) Ob­ser­va­tory-2000, Va­len­cia, In­tertecno 2000, Va­len­cia, Au­dio­vi­sual Cre­ation Fes­ti­val of Navarra 98/99/00, Ciber@?rt 1999, “Les brassieres” , Liege. Bel­gium. 2001, etc.

International Programme Committee:

Presentation Moderator:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: