Nathan Cun­ning­hamis act­ing head of the Polar Data Cen­tre, British Antarc­tic Sur­vey (BAS). He rep­re­sents BAS on a num­ber of in­ter­na­tional and na­tional sci­en­tific and data man­age­ment com­mit­tees in­clud­ing ICED, an in­ter­na­tional mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary ini­tia­tive launched in re­sponse to the in­creas­ing need to de­velop in­te­grated cir­cum­po­lar analy­ses of South­ern Ocean cli­mate and ecosys­tem dy­nam­ics. He is also in­volved with de­vel­op­ing pub­lic out­reach work for BAS and in­creas­ing the avail­abil­ity of Antarc­tic Sci­en­tific In­for­ma­tion. His re­search has been pub­lished in Polar Bi­ol­ogy, En­vi­ron­men­tal Pol­lu­tion, and the Trans­ac­tions of the Royal So­ci­ety and Deep Sea Re­search. He is cur­rently co-in­ves­ti­ga­tor (with Tom Corby) on an Arts and Hu­man­i­ties Re­search Coun­cil funded in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary pro­ject on rep­re­sent­ing en­vi­ron­men­tal change.