Nico­las Malevé

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Nico­las Malevé is an artist, soft­ware pro­gram­mer and data ac­tivist de­vel­op­ing mul­ti­me­dia pro­jects and web ap­pli­ca­tions for and with cul­tural or­ga­ni­za­tions. His cur­rent re­search work is fo­cused on car­tog­ra­phy, in­for­ma­tion struc­tures, meta­data and the means to vi­su­ally rep­re­sent them. He lives and works in Barcelona (ES) and Brus­sels (B). Since 1998 Nico­las col­lab­o­rates with Con­stant, a non-profit as­so­ci­a­tion, based and ac­tive in Brus­sels since 1997 in the fields of fem­i­nism, copy­right al­ter­na­tives and work­ing through net­works.  Se­lec­tion of works: *Copy.cult and the Orig­i­nal Si(g)n*, a pro­ject of in­ves­ti­ga­tion on the al­ter­na­tives to au­thor’s right. *Yoogle!* an on­line game that al­lows users to play with the pa­ra­me­ters of the Web 2.0 econ­omy and the mar­ket­ing of per­sonal data.

International Programme Committee:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: