Nigel Maudsley
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Institution and Position: London Guildhall University, Sir John Cass Department of Art. Senior Lecturer in Fine Art teaching on the MA in Computer Imaging and Animation and BA Fine Art. Level 3 leader for the BA Fine Art Degree. My main areas of interest, research and practice are in Computer Animation, Digital Imaging and Photography addressing issues around the body in relation to sexuality, gender and representation. I have had numerous photographic works exhibited and published. Qualifications: BA Graphic Design, Wolverhampton Polytechnic, 1975;MA Computer Imaging and Animation, (Distinction), London Guildhall University 1996. Recent Exhibitions and Publications Include: Arnie Show, Charles Barker PLC, Dean Street, London Wl; South Bank Center, Group Show, Festival Hall, London; Same Difference, Camerawork Gallery, Bethnal Green, London; Gilbert and George Publicity Portrait (to be used in Tokyo, Summer 1997) Studio International Magazine.