Norie Neumark

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Norie Neu­mark is Pro­fes­sor and Chair in Media and Cin­ema at La Trobe Uni­ver­sity (AU) and Di­rec­tor of the Cen­tre for Cre­ative Arts. She is a sound/media artist who makes sound and ra­dio­phonic work and col­lab­o­rates with vi­sual artist, Maria Mi­randa on media art works that have been ex­hib­ited widely in­ter­na­tion­ally. She pub­lishes on sound and media art, most re­cently as lead ed­i­tor and con­trib­u­tor to Voice: Vocal Aes­thet­ics in Dig­i­tal Arts and Media (MIT Press, 2010).

ISEA2004, ISEA1997

Norie Neumark, Australia, is a sound/radio artist, who also works with multimedia and installation. Her recent sound pieces have been commissioned and broadcast by the Listening Room, ABC Classic FM, and include Into the Interface (1994), Shock (1995), and Separation Anxiety: not the truth about alchemy (1996). All three were rebroadcast in the U.S. by New American Radio and the Performing Arts. Her current work for multimedia grew out of Shock, and was funded as an installation by the New Media Arts Fund of the Australia Council and as a stand-alone CDROM (prototype) by the AFC. Shock in the Ear was installed at Artspace in Sydney in April-May, I997. The AFC is currently funding the comple­tion of the stand-alone CDROM. The CDROM has been exhibited at techne, Perth Festival,1997; Matinaze,1997; transmedia (Berlin) I997 and has been invited to Altered States, Interact, Melbourne. Norie Neumark also works as a lecturer in Sound and Cultural Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney. She has given papers about sound and multimedia at Sound Culture 96, and at ISEAs. Her pub­lished works include articles in Essays in Sound 2, Leonardo, and Media Information Australia. She received a PhD. in his­tory/politics from the University of Sydney in 1976.

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