Nuria Oliver
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Nuria Oliver, USA, is a graduate student at the Vision and Modeling Group at the M.I.T. Media Lab. Her main research interest is understanding human behavior in video. Her most recent work is [AFTER, a real-time face detection and tracking system using an active camera.This system has been presented at SIGGRAPH 96 (Digital Bayou), the Second IEEE International Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition (October 96) and the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR 97), where she also presented other work on modeling human behavior and multiple agent interactions. She received her in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) from the Madrid’s Technical University (ETSIT at UPM) in 1994.
For her M.S.thesis she developed a car detection and tracking system for highway traffic video sequences. Before starting her graduate studies at MIT she worked as a permanent Software Engineer in Telefonica R–D. She has received a number of scholarships and awards for her academic work and career, such as the First [KS B.S. Award to the best EECS B.S. graduate (1992), the First EECS M.S. Award to the best EECS M.S. graduate (1994) and the Spanish First National Award for EECS M.S. graduates (1994). She has been a ‘Siemens International Student Circle’ fellow for two years (1992-1993), which offered her the opportunity to work as a Research Assistant Engineer in Munich (Germany) for two summers. Since 1994 she has been a ‘La Caixa Foundation’ fellow, a distinguished award to outstanding graduate students to pursue graduate studies in American universities.