Paula Roush

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Paula Roush is an artist-ed­u­ca­tor-re­searcher. She is the founder of msdm, a plat­form for mo­bile strate­gies of dis­play & me­di­a­tion, en­com­pass­ing on­line tech­nolo­gies and site-spe­cific ap­proaches to par­tic­i­pa­tory art. She is a lec­turer at the Lon­don South Bank Uni­ver­sity and Uni­ver­sity of West­min­ster, UK, where she leads courses on artists works with archives, pub­li­ca­tions and the area of  dig­i­tal per­for­mance. Her work has been shown in­ter­na­tion­ally, in­clud­ing: Play Gallery, Spar­wasser and Kun­straum Bethanien/ Berlin; GAK: Gesellschaft fur Ak­tuelle Kunst/ Bre­men; Bauhaus Foun­da­tion/ Dessau; Cen­tro Cul­tural de Es­pana/ Mon­te­v­ideo; Museu da Cidade, Cen­tro de Arte Mod­erna Jose Az­eredo Perdi­gao/ Lis­bon; W139/ Am­s­ter­dam; Iniva, Cole­man Pro­ject Space, 198 gallery, Cu­bitt Gallery, Space, Elas­tic Res­i­dence and South Lon­don Gallery/ Lon­don; Gal­le­ria Nazionale Veletrzni Palac/ Prague; Over­gaden Gallery/ Copen­hagen; Liv­ing Art Mu­seum/ Reyk­javik. She also co-cu­rated Local Worlds: Spaces, Vis­i­bil­i­ties and Tran­scul­tural Flows, Cen­tro Cul­tural de Lagos, Wel­come Good­bye Adeus Obri­gada: Jour­neys, Dis­lo­ca­tions and Imag­i­nary Na­tions, Blue Ele­phant The­atre, Lon­don, Post­script: Por­tuguese Live Art in the Age of Scripted Re­al­ity, Space, Lon­don and Out­sourc­ing: Cre­ative Col­li­sion Be­tween Artist and Cu­ra­tor, inIVA, Lon­don.

Last Known Location:

United Kingdom


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: