Paz Sastre Domínguez
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Paz Sastre, Mexico, works as a senior research professor of the Arts and Humanities Department at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Lerma, for the Digital Arts and Communications degree. She’s been a member of Laboratorio del Procomún México and is part of Ícono14, an independent research group dedicated to aesthetics and new media in Madrid. She has worked on matters regarding archiving, information society, bureaucracy and public utility through the lens of visual studies. Most of her papers can be consulted online. She has collaborated on projects dedicated to the building, recovery and access of diferent archives, such as the Huichol people’s cultural heritage, Ana Victoria Jiménez’s memoirs on Mexican feminist activism, Laboratorio del Procomún México’s failed repository and Campechana Mental, a digital literacy project at the Rancho Electrónico hackerspace.
Last Known Location:
Title: Performativity and Computer Art: Towards a DIY Society
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Title: Domains, Publics and Access: A Wiki In Progress On Access Archaeology
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Title: The Time of Tactical Media
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Title: Domains, Publics and Access: WikiSprint for a Media Archaeology of the Present Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):