Peter Ride

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

University of Westminster, ARTAIDS and London Arts Technology Centre (ARTEC), Program Coordinator and Curator

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Peter Ride, Department of English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, University of Westminster, London, UK


Peter Ride is a curator and Research Fellow, University of Westminster, UK. Peter’s research addresses how different organisations have a different understanding of their audiences and this is a ‘framing’ device that can affect how a work is encountered and experienced. He also looks at the way that audience research can be used to re-define the curatorial scope of an exhibition.


Internet and Digital Arts Programme co-coordinator, ARTEC, the Arts Technology Centre (UK). Ride has worked as cura­tor and organizer of multimedia and internet projects since 1994 as well as orating and writing on photo and media arts practice. Ride is currently the organizer of CHANNEL the UK Internet Network of Visual & Media Arts organiza­tions, and co-ordinator of ARTAIDS an AIDS art/ activist Net project included as a web event as ISEA97. Talks and prese­ntations include ISEA96: Devising and Positioning Interactivity in Net Projects.

Last Known Location:

United Kingdom

Previous Location(s):

  • AU

International Programme Committee:

Art Events:
