Piem Wirtz

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2011

    Piem Wirtz is pro­ject­man­ager at V2_Lab. Her main in­ter­est is in wear­able tech­nol­ogy pro­jects, where she is not only in­volved from a man­age­ment per­spec­tive but also in the hands-on pro­duc­tion of art­works. Piem holds a Msc in In­dus­trial De­sign En­gi­neer­ing and is par­tic­i­pat­ing as a dancer in the con­tem­po­rary dance group Dat­tah. To­gether with Melissa Cole­man she ini­ti­ated the E-Tex­tile Work­space, a plat­form for dis­cus­sion about wear­able tech­nol­ogy and smart tex­tiles. Be­sides host­ing the monthly Work­spaces, Piem is coach­ing artists in V2_’s res­i­dency pro­gram and is su­per­vis­ing the team of hard­ware de­vel­op­ers.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: