Qianwen (Vvzela Kook) Qu

Photo from cityu.edu.hk
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Qianwen Qu (Vvzela Kook) (b.1990, Hong Kong) is a new media artist who mainly works in audiovisual mediums, including performance, theatre, generative video and drawing. Her audiovisual works combine media with performance; they explore the possibility of coexistence between contemporary performance types, like dance or choreography, and computer-generated new media. Kook’s video works combine technology with her artistic practice to reproduce and convert urban cityscapes into an integrated virtual experience, guiding the audience on a cybernetic journey. The condensed textures in her works connect with multiple sensual levels in our perception and reintroduce the unexplored potential of video as a medium. Kook has participated and shown her works in MoCA Taipei (2019), Tai Kwun (2019), Microwave International Media Festival in Hong Kong (2018, 2016), PuSh Performing Art Festival in Vancouver (2017), Centre for Heritage Arts and Textile (2017), and “89+”program (2012) co-curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Simon Castets.
Born in 1990, Vvzela Kook is a new media artist living and working in Hong Kong who mainly works in audiovisual media, including performance, theatre, generative video and drawing. The condensed textures in her work connect with multiple sensual levels of the viewer’s perception and thus reintroduce the unexplored potential of video as a medium. cityu.edu.hk/bg/exhibitions/ontheroad/vvzela.html