Quentin VerCetty

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Quentin VerCetty is an award-winning international multidisciplinary visual storyteller, arts educator, artivist, and an ever-growing interstellar plant. His scholarly work explores Afrofuturism as a teaching tool and has coined the terms Sankofanology and Rastafuturism. Artistically his work explores the social implications of monuments as technofossils for future and addresses the lack thereof in the Canadian landscape. As an artivist, VerCetty is one of the co-founding leaders of the Black Speculative Arts Movement, a global platform that advocates for artists who push the imagination of representation. VerCetty is the co-editor of the first Canadian Afrofuturism art anthology, Cosmic Underground Northside: An Incantation of Black Canadian Speculative Discourse and Innerstandings, which highlights works from over 100 Black Canadian artists. Through his work, he hopes to engage minds and inspire hearts to help to make the world a better place not only for today but for many tomorrows to come.

Last Known Location:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: