Raewyn Turner

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Raewyn Turner, Visual Artist (video, painting, sculpture, interactive installations) and Concept and Design Theatre Artist and Lighting Designer, Auckland, New Zealand. Raewyn Turner’s interdisciplinary work is concerned with cross-sensory perception and the uncharted territories of the senses. Her work has involved large scale international performance in stadiums, creating videos, films and interactive installations and performances, working solo as well as in collaboration with artists, musicians, architects, dancers, performers and academics on installations, theatre performances, exhibitions and screenings. She has worked with olfaction since 1999 and in collaboration with Dr Richard Newcomb, molecular biologist, NZ,;in 2011 she was recipient of a Fulbright Travel Grant for an artists residency at Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia. My works have been shown in numerous national and international exhibitions and performances, including Wallace Awards 2015, 5th Congress Synesthesia Science and Art 2015 Spain, ISEA2013, Museum of Contemporary Art, LA, Parque de las Ciencias, Granada, Spain, 11th Prague Quadrennial of Scenography and Theatre Architecture 2007, Prumyslovy Palace, Prague, Argentina, Georges Pompidou Center, Te Papa Museum, and Academy of Fine Arts New Zealand.


Raewyn Turner’s interdisciplinary work is concerned with cross-sensory perception and the uncharted territories of the senses. Her works have been shown in numerous national and international exhibitions including Museum of Contemporary Art, LA, Parque de las Ciencias, Granada, Spain, 11th Prague Quadrennial of Scenography and Theatre Architecture 2007,Prumyslovy Palace, Prague, Argentina, Georges Pompidou Center, Te Papa Museum, and Academy of Fine Arts, New Zealand.  Her works include videos, interactive installations, performances, exhibitions and large scale international performance in theatres and stadiums, working as a concept and design artist and lighting designer in collaborations with musicians, orchestras and choreographers.

Last Known Location:

Auckland, New Zealand

Art Events:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: