Richard Brown

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Affiliation: Research Fellow, Royal College of Art, Interval Research Studio, Computer Related Design Department. Education: M.A. Fine Art, Nottingham Trent University,1995. B.Sc.Computers and Cybernetics, University of Kent, Canterbury, 1977. I have worked continuously with interac­tive media since its early beginnings in 1983 within the arts, educational, entertainment and business sectors. For the last seven years I have been developing work that exists in a time-space continuum, exploring electrochemical and organic reactions as well electronic and computer based based media. These works have taken the form of interactive and kinetic sculptures, installations and three dimensional mixed media. I am currently researching “virtual reality” as a sculptural /installation medium at the Royal College of Art. Exhibitions have included:Alembic, the Bonington Gallery, Nottingham, March 1997; Eco works, four outdoor kinetic sculptures powered by the sun and wind; Lifeforce, an inter­active kinetic sculpture using high voltage electricity, neon and moss; electromagnetic works Wiggle and Time, shown at Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, 1995; Prema Arts Centre, Uley, Gloucestshire, 1994, and Nottingham Castle Museum, 1994; The Mirror, a digital time-based mirror, first shown at the Air Gallery, London, 1988; The Tunnel, an interactive digi­tiz ed performance installation shown at the European Media Arts Festival, Osnabruk, and the Battersea Arts Centre, London, 1987; The Roboshow, where Robodevco, a prototype computer, controlled a forty-three screen, three dimensional sound experience hosted by”Q”,a virtual robot, London, 1985.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: