Robert B. Lisek
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Robert B. Lisek PhD (Poland) is an artist, mathematician and composer who focuses on systems, networks and processes (computational, biological, social). He is involved in a number of projects focused on media art, creative storytelling and interactive art. Drawing upon post-conceptual art, software art and meta-media, his work intentionally defies categorization. Lisek is a pioneer of art based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Lisek is also a composer of contemporary music, author of many projects and scores on the intersection of spectral, stochastic, concret music, musica futurista and noise. Lisek is also a scientist who conducts research in the area of foundations of science (mathematics and computer science). His research interests are category theory and high-order algebra in relation to artificial general intelligence. Lisek is a founder of Fundamental Research Lab and ACCESS Art Symposium. He is the author of 300 exhibitions and presentations, among others: SIBYL – ZKM Karlsruhe; SIBYL II – IRCAM Center Pompidou; Quantum Enigma – Harvestworks Center New York and STEIM Amsterdam; Terror Engines – Worm Center Rotterdam, Secure Insecurity – ISEA2011 Istanbul; Demons – Venice Biennale (accompanying events); Manifesto vs. Manifesto – Ujazdowski Castel of Contemporary Art, Warsaw; NEST – ARCO Art Fair, Madrid; Float – Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, NYC; WWAI – SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles.
Robert Balthasar Lisek is an artist and mathematician who focuses on systems and processes (computer, biological and social), draws upon conceptual art, radical art strategies, hacktivism, bioart, software art and artificial intelligence his work defies categorization. Lisek is a pioneer of art based on AI and bioinformatics. He explores the relationship between bio-molecular technology, code and issues arising from network technologies. In the project Das Gespenst the artist represented the self-replicating behavior of new original bacteria in order to draw out its wider bio-political significance in an imagined scenario of bioterrorism attack of Warsaw. Lisek is also researching problems of security and privacy in networked societies. He build NEST – Citizens Intelligent Agency, advanced software for searching hidden patterns and links between people, groups, events, objects and places. Lisek is also a scientist focused on the complexity, graph and order theory. Lisek is a founder of IRSA, FRL and ACCESS art symposium. Author of many exhibitions and actions, among others: NGRU – FILE, Sao Paulo; NEST – ARCO Art Fair, Madrid; Float – DMAC Harvestworks and Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, NYC; WWAI – Siggraph, Los Angeles; Falsecodes – Red Gate Gallery, Beijing; Gengine – National Gallery, Warsaw; Flextex – Byzantine Museum, Athens, FXT– ACA Media Festival, Tokyo and ISEA, Nagoya; SSSpear –17th Meridian, WRO Center, Wroclaw.
Robert B. Lisek, is an artist, mathematician and a founder of Fundamental Research Lab; he is involved in the number of projects focused on alternate aesthetic strategies and artificial intelligence like Pest, Jesus Hardware & Software, Uterus, House, Model, The Snake sheds his skin, Der Tod Opera, Ubermas En Menge, Kehre, Lichtung, Sspear, Stack. He is also a scientist at Department of Logic of Wroclaw University, Poland, specialising in the theory of partially-ordered sets.
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Full text (PDF) p. 1563-1567
Art Events:
Title: Retracts And Fixed Points In Theory Of Ordered Sets: Towards Combinatorial Computer Science
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Title: Secure Insecurity: Patterns of Terror
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Title: Untitled
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Title: Deciphering Randomness
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Title: Unrendered
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Title: AIA: Artificial Intelligence for Art