Robert B. Lisek

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Robert B. Lisek PhD (Poland) is an artist, mathematician and composer who focuses on systems, networks and processes (computational, biological, social). He is involved in a number of projects focused on media art, creative storytelling and interactive art. Drawing upon post-conceptual art, software art and meta-media, his work intentionally defies categorization. Lisek is a pioneer of art based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Lisek is also a composer of contemporary music, author of many projects and scores on the intersection of spectral, stochastic, concret music, musica futurista and noise. Lisek is also a scientist who conducts research in the area of foundations of science (mathematics and computer science). His research interests are category theory and high-order algebra in relation to artificial general intelligence. Lisek is a founder of Fundamental Research Lab and ACCESS Art Symposium. He is the author of 300 exhibitions and presentations, among others: SIBYL – ZKM Karlsruhe; SIBYL II – IRCAM Center Pompidou; Quantum Enigma – Harvestworks Center New York and STEIM Amsterdam; Terror Engines – Worm Center Rotterdam, Secure Insecurity – ISEA2011 Istanbul; Demons – Venice Biennale (accompanying events); Manifesto vs. Manifesto – Ujazdowski Castel of Contemporary Art, Warsaw; NEST – ARCO Art Fair, Madrid; Float – Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, NYC; WWAI – SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles.


Robert Balthasar Lisek is an artist and math­e­mati­cian who fo­cuses on sys­tems and processes (com­puter, bi­o­log­i­cal and so­cial), draws upon con­cep­tual art, rad­i­cal art strate­gies, hack­tivism, bioart, soft­ware art and ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence his work de­fies cat­e­go­riza­tion. Lisek is a pi­o­neer of art based on AI and bioin­for­mat­ics. He ex­plores the re­la­tion­ship be­tween bio-mol­e­c­u­lar tech­nol­ogy, code and is­sues aris­ing from net­work tech­nolo­gies. In the pro­ject Das Gespenst the artist rep­re­sented the self-repli­cat­ing be­hav­ior of new orig­i­nal bac­te­ria in order to draw out its wider bio-po­lit­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance in an imag­ined sce­nario of bioter­ror­ism at­tack of War­saw. Lisek is also re­search­ing prob­lems of se­cu­rity and pri­vacy in net­worked so­ci­eties. He build NEST – Cit­i­zens In­tel­li­gent Agency, ad­vanced soft­ware for search­ing hid­den pat­terns and links be­tween peo­ple, groups, events, ob­jects and places. Lisek is also a sci­en­tist fo­cused on the com­plex­ity, graph and order the­ory. Lisek is a founder of IRSA, FRL and AC­CESS art sym­po­sium. Au­thor of many ex­hi­bi­tions and ac­tions, among oth­ers: NGRU – FILE, Sao Paulo; NEST – ARCO Art Fair, Madrid; Float – DMAC Har­vest­works and Lower Man­hat­tan Cul­tural Coun­cil, NYC; WWAI – Sig­graph, Los An­ge­les; Falsec­odes – Red Gate Gallery, Bei­jing; Gengine – Na­tional Gallery, War­saw; Flex­tex – Byzan­tine Mu­seum, Athens, FXT– ACA Media Fes­ti­val, Tokyo and ISEA, Nagoya; SSS­pear –17th Merid­ian, WRO Cen­ter, Wro­claw.


Robert B. Lisek, is an artist, mathematician and a founder of Fundamental Research Lab; he is involved in the number of projects focused on alternate aesthetic strategies and artificial intelligence like Pest, Jesus Hardware & Software, Uterus, House, Model, The Snake sheds his skin, Der Tod Opera, Ubermas En Menge, Kehre, Lichtung, Sspear, Stack. He is also a scientist at Department of Logic of Wroclaw University, Poland, specialising in the theory of partially-ordered sets.

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Full text (PDF) p. 1563-1567




Role(s) at the symposia over the years: