Robert Normandeau

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Robert Normandeau was born in 1955 in Quebec City, Canada. He earned his MMus (1988) and DMus (1992) in Composition from Universite de Montreal.Was a founding member of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community. Has been awarded many prizes, including the Golden Nica at Prix Ars Electronica (1996).Serves as lecturer at the Music Faculty of the Universite de Montreal since 1988.Specializes in acousmatic composition (since 1984), his work adopts the perspective of a”cinema for the ear”, where the meaning as well as the sound contributes to the composition.


Robert Normandeau is a composer and founding member of the CEC (Canadian Electroacoustic Community), and founder of Reseaux, he specializes in acousmatic composition, adopting the perspective of a “cinema for the ear”. He has won international competitions from Bourges, Phonurgia-Nova, Luigi-Russolo, Noroit-Leonce Petitot, Stockholm and Ars Electronica. He is a lecturer at the Music Faculty of the University de Montreal and an associate composer of the Canadian Music Center.

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: