Ron Pellegrino

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Ron Pellegrino, President, Electronic Arts Productions; Ph.D. in music com­position, theory, and philosophy from the University of Wisconsin in 1968. Pioneer and leading exponent of affordable emerging electronic technology in music and the dynamic arts since 1967. Composer, electronic arts researcher, and performance artist with a focus on visual music, psychophysics, and performance multimedia. Designer and director of electronic arts facilities and pro­grams at U.S. universities and corporations since 1967. Located since 1972 in the San Francisco Bay Area, the global center of multimedia. Author of two trend-setting books: The Electronic Arts of Sound and Light (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983), the first book to take an integrated, multi­media view of electronic instruments in the arts; and An Electronic Studio Manual (Ohio State University College of the Arts, 1969), the first published book on the modern music synthesizer. Has also authored over 40 articles on the electronic arts. Producer of over 450 public events interna­tionally at major universities and performance spaces, art and science museums, and festivals of music and perfor­mance arts.

Last Known Location:


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: