Rudi Knoops
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Rudi Knoops studied literature and communication sciences. He has worked for the Audiovisual Services of the University of Leuven (Belgium), Behoud de Begeerte, VRT, Kunstenfestivaldesarts. Presently he is lecturer at the Media, Arts and Design Faculty (MAD-faculty) in Genk, Belgium – a collaboration between KHLim and PHL – and in his audiovisual arts practice he focusses on literature, science and/or music related themes. In a research project in the arts MULTIPLE voice/vision he further elaborates his research interest music/audiovisual arts. September 2010 he started a practice based PhD wherein he focusses on multiplicity in audiovisual arts: Exploring the multiple in a ‘cinema of attractions’. Media-archeology offering inspiration for a methodology of deconstruction and subversion of the perfected apparatus that video has become, he uses multiple instances of specific interventions in search of a contemporary iteration of the concept ‘cinema of attractions’.
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Full text (PDF) p. 1388-1394