Ryan Jordan
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Ryan Jordan (born Ipswich, 1983) is a UK based electronic artist working with self made instruments and tools for live interactive performance. His work is focused on movement and the physicality in live electronic performance, noise and underground music, hypnotic trance states, and D.i.Y culture. He has performed and presented his work internationally in a wide range of venues from art and academic institutions to derelict warehouses and squats. In 2006 he started noise=noise, a sporadic experimental performance event, which has showcased many artists, academics, hackers, dancers, and performers ranging from the internationally acclaimed to the underground lurker. He directed A10Lab in 2010 which was an experimental audiovisual performance laboratory exploring free and open-source soft and hardware. Ryan has a BA Sonic Arts from Middlesex Unitversity (2007) and a Distinction in MFA Computational Studio Arts from Goldsmiths (2009). He is currently undertaking a PhD at the Music Technology and Innovation Research Centre at De Montfort University.
These concepts are put into practice through his live performances which combine his self built devices with the use of high powered strobe lights in attempts to create powerful hallucinations. Jordan also runs NNNNN / noise=noise, an experimental noise research laboratory and live performance platform operating as an open place for people to experiment with electronic music and art. The aim of this project is to disseminate knowledge and to act as an informal, alternative and autonomous network enabling people to create and express themselves via technology and experimental audiovisual arts.