Sarah Whatley

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2011

    Sarah What­ley is Pro­fes­sor of Dance at Coven­try Uni­ver­sity (UK). As a re­searcher and dance artist, her re­search spe­cialises in the in­ter­face be­tween dance and new tech­nolo­gies, dance analy­sis, so­matic dance prac­tice and ped­a­gogy, and in­clu­sive dance. She is work­ing on sev­eral AHRC-funded pro­jects: she led the the Siob­han Davies archive pro­ject and is now work­ing on the Dig­i­tal Dance Archives pro­ject and is part of the Screen­dance net­work. She is host­ing Ruth Gib­son, AHRC Cre­ative Fel­low, re­search­ing mo­tion cap­ture and Skin­ner Re­leas­ing Tech­nique for im­mer­sive en­vi­ron­ments and is a mem­ber of the In­ter­na­tional Ed­u­ca­tion Work­group for The Forsythe Com­pany’s Mo­tion Bank pro­ject. She edits the Jour­nal of Dance and So­matic Prac­tices and is on the Ed­i­to­r­ial Board of the In­ter­na­tional Jour­nal of Screen­dance

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Role(s) at the symposia over the years: