Sheng Jie

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Sheng Jie (gogoj) is new media artist and founder of Shan Stu­dio in Bei­jing.  Her work fo­cuses on the arena of tech­nol­ogy and its im­pact on so­ci­ety merg­ing video, sound, in­stal­la­tion and per­for­mance to in­ves­ti­gate as­so­ci­a­tions and re­flec­tions be­tween high and low tech­nolo­gies. She has ex­hib­ited her work in­ter­na­tion­ally at mu­se­ums, gal­leries and fes­ti­vals in­clud­ing Mu­seum Of Con­tem­po­rary Art (Moca), Shang­hai, Van­cou­ver In­ter­na­tional Cen­tre For Con­tem­po­rary Asian Art, Canada, ZKM Cen­tre For Art And Media, Karl­sruhe, Songzhuang Cul­ture Art Fes­ti­val, Mi­crowave In­ter­na­tional New Media Arts Fes­ti­val, Hong Kong and ISIS Arts, New­cas­tle, UK. She re­cently was a res­i­dent artist at 3331 Art Chiy­oda in Tokyo, Japan In 2010, she founded SHAN Stu­dio, a plat­form for mul­ti­me­dia dig­i­tal art and com­mu­ni­ca­tion.?Shen Jie re­ceived her BFA from  Bei­jing Col­lege Of Art & De­sign and her MFA from the Ecole Supérieure Des Arts Décorat­ifs De Stras­bourg.


Role(s) at the symposia over the years: