Shin­taro Miyazaki (the­o­rist & artist), born 1980 in Berlin, has spend his youth in Basel (Switzer­land) and has stud­ied Media The­ory, Mu­si­col­ogy and Phi­los­o­phy at the Uni­ver­sity of Basel (M.A.). Since 2007 he lives and works in Berlin. Miyazaki is in­ter­ested in the Epis­te­mol­ogy and Arche­ol­ogy of every­day tech­nolo­gies, which store, trans­mit and cal­cu­late/ma­nip­u­late in­for­ma­tions. In gen­eral he is in­ter­ested in the hid­den struc­tural re­la­tions be­tween sound/music and the cut­ting edge of knowl­edge, tech­nol­ogy, sci­ence and cul­ture. He is as well ac­tive as an con­cep­tual and trans­me­dial artist cre­at­ing epis­temic de­vices and open­source soft­ware. He is cur­rently a in­de­pen­dent PhD Re­searcher at Hum­boldt Uni­ver­sity Berlin at the Chair for Media The­ory and holds a schol­ar­ship by cog­ito foun­da­tion (Switzer­land). In 2008 he founded “In­sti­tute for Al­go­rhyth­mics“.