Sigune Hamann

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Si­gune Hamann is an artist who deals with still and mov­ing im­ages. This en­com­passes hy­brid media forms com­bin­ing ana­logue and dig­i­tal processes. She ex­plores the ef­fects of time and per­cep­tion on the con­struc­tion of men­tal im­ages in pho­tographs, videos, in­stal­la­tions and in­ter­net works. Pro­jects in­clude: the on­line nar­ra­tive noth­ing­but­thetruth (2002); pho­to­graphic film-strips (Har­ris Mu­seum, Pre­ston 2005, Gallery of Pho­tog­ra­phy, Dublin 2008, Kun­sthalle Mainz 2008, Sal­is­bury Art Cen­tre 2011) and the video in­stal­la­tions Din­ner­for1 (British Coun­cil Berlin 2005) and the walk­ing up and down bit (BFI 2009). Part of her on­go­ing pro­ject in­spired by the ges­ture of wav­ing, she is cur­rently work­ing on an in­stal­la­tion show­ing at the Well­come Col­lec­tions later this year.  Born in Frank­furt am Main, Ger­many Si­gune Hamann grad­u­ated from the UdK Berlin, then RCA Lon­don and is a Se­nior Lec­turer at Cam­ber­well Col­lege of Arts, Lon­don, UK.

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: