Sonia Cil­lari was awarded the first prize of VIDA 13.0: Art & Ar­ti­fi­cial Life In­ter­na­tional Com­pe­ti­tion (2010) for her pro­ject Sen­si­tive to Plea­sure. An Ital­ian media artist and ar­chi­tect, she lives and works in Am­s­ter­dam, The Netherlands. Her work in­volves the cre­ation of sen­so­r­ial and per­cep­tual mech­a­nisms in im­mer­sive and aug­mented en­vi­ron­ments. Her artis­tic in­ves­ti­ga­tion ex­am­ines how pat­terns of con­scious­ness, per­cep­tion and iden­tity emerge in such set­tings. Over the last years she has been specif­i­cally in­ter­ested in a field of re­search con­cern­ing the Body as In­ter­face. She was an artist in res­i­dence at V2_, In­sti­tute for the Un­sta­ble Media, Rot­ter­dam (2004), at the Rijk­sakademie van Beeldende Kun­sten, Am­s­ter­dam (2004-2005), STEIM: Stu­dio for Elec­tro-In­stru­men­tal Music, Am­s­ter­dam (2006 and 2010), Media Art In­sti­tute/NIMK (Am­s­ter­dam 2006 and 2010), [ars]nu­mer­ica Mont­be­liard, France (2009) and Clau­dio Buziol Foun­da­tion Venice, Italy ( 2010). Her in­ter­ac­tive in­stal­la­tions at the in­ter­sec­tion of ar­chi­tec­ture and per­for­mance art have been pre­sented in­ter­na­tion­ally. Be­sides re­ceiv­ing the First Prize at VIDA 13.0: Art & Ar­ti­fi­cial Life In­ter­na­tional Com­pe­ti­tion, she was awarded the Art Di­vi­sion Ex­cel­lence Prize at 11th Japan Media Arts Fes­ti­val, and Hon­or­able Men­tion at Prix Ars Elec­tron­ica, In­ter­ac­tive Art and VIDA 9.0: Art & Ar­ti­fi­cial Life In­ter­na­tional Com­pe­ti­tion.  She is a teach­ing ad­vi­sor at the Frank Mohr In­sti­tute, IME In­ter­ac­tive Media En­vi­ron­ment De­part­ment, Gronin­gen since 2007 and a core group mem­ber at Opto­fon­ica Lab­o­ra­tory for Im­mer­sive Art-Sci­ence, Am­s­ter­dam since 2010.