Sophea Lerner
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Sophea Lerner, Australia, received her B.A. in Communications in 199 from the University of Technology, Sydney. Sophea produces interactive sound works for installation and performance as well as disk-based or online projects and radio/tape pieces. Born in Brighton, UK, where she studiet visual and performing arts before migrating to Australia i 1992, she is currently researching form and modality in new media at the University of Technology, Sydney, where she also sometimes teaches audio and hypermedia.Recer works include: Dream a Little Dream Machine (interactive sound performance The Performance Space, Sydney 1996; A Journey by Telephone (live broadcast performance: ABC FM 1995); Photophony (interactive computer based & tap work,The Performance Space & Australian Museum of Contemporary Art 1995, Perth Institute of Contemporary Art 1997); A-1 of Genetics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation 1994).
Last Known Location:
Title: Resonating the Fragmented Body: Sound Design in New Media
| Type(s):
Title: Things That Go Ping