Susan Alexis Collins

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

University College London

ISEA Bio(s) Available:


Susan Collins is one of the UK’s lead­ing artists work­ing with dig­i­tal media. Collins works across pub­lic, gallery and on­line spaces. Her re­cent works mainly em­ploy trans­mis­sion, net­work­ing and time as pri­mary ma­te­ri­als, often ex­plor­ing the role of il­lu­sion or be­lief in their con­struc­tion and in­ter­pre­ta­tion. Col­llins has ex­hib­ited in­ter­na­tion­ally and works in­clude In Con­ver­sa­tion; Tate in Space (a bafta nom­i­nated Tate ne­tart com­mis­sion); Trans­port­ing Skies which trans­ported sky (and other phe­nom­ena) live be­tween New­lyn Art Gallery, Pen­zance in Corn­wall and Site Gallery Sheffield in York­shire; and The Spec­trascope, an on­go­ing live pixel by pixel trans­mis­sion from a haunted house. In 2009 she ex­hib­ited Seascape , a solo show at the De La Warr Pavil­ion, Bex­hill-on-Sea, com­mis­sioned by Film and Video Um­brella and the De La Warr Pavil­ion and re­cently com­pleted Love Brid, a short film for An­i­mate Pro­jects. Susan Collins is cur­rently the Di­rec­tor of the Slade School of Fine Art, Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don where she es­tab­lished the Slade Cen­tre for Elec­tronic Media in Fine Art (SCEMFA) in 1995.


Susan Collins, England


Born London, 1964. BA hons Fine Art Slade School of Fine Art, University College London, 1987, postgraduate study at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Fulbright Scholar) 1990/91. Recent awards include Arts Council of England/ Channel 4 Hi Tech award (1995); European Artist’s Residency (Pepiniere) for Köln (1996); Individual Artis’s Award from London Arts Board (1997). Early com­puter animation works: the London International Film Festivals; the Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro; The Institute of Contemporary Art, London; SIGGRAPH 92 Electronic Theater, Chicago, and the Berlin VideoFest. Commissioned public site-specific interactive installation works include: sensor-controlled sound and video installa­tion for the Woolwich Foot Tunnel in London 1993; interactive audio, video and robotic installation for the Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester 1993; video projected lit­ter’ onto the streets of Liverpool 1994; interactive audio/video intervention for Hull, Manchester, Nottingham, and Linz train stations 1994-96. Commissioned gallery installa­tions include Audiozone 1994 for V-topia at Tramway.


Susan Collins (UK) has a B.A. Fine Art from Slade School of Art. Exhibited since 1985 at several galleries in the UK and at the AVE’87 festival in Arnhem, Netherlands.


Last Known Location:

London, United Kingdom

International Programme Committee:

Role(s) at the symposia over the years: